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Read The Rules!

Just what it says! You can also post questions, comments, requests for clarification or suggestions regarding the rules here.
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Read The Rules!

Post by KhaosWolfKat »

These rules are pretty simple.

• Post in the appropriate section for what you are posting.
If there isn't a section that seems right, put it in the section that seems closest to the right one and message a board Administrator to ask about it.. We are pretty open to suggestions and will be happy to add more sections as the boards grow and take shape.

• Tradition 12 reminds us that we are to place principles before personalities; that we are actually to practice a genuine humility. This to the end that our great blessings may never spoil us; that we shall forever live in thankful contemplation of God who presides over us all. To that end:

  • No flaming.
    This includes any personal attacks at all, especially remarks based on someone's actual or perceived race, religion, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, political or social views, or any other protected class.
  • Address the post, not the poster. Disagreeing is fine, but mud slinging and attacks are not.

• Do not share your user name or password with ANYONE..
This includes passwords for restricted areas of the boards.

As long as everyone follows these few simple rules, we will all have a nice place to congregate.
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