We have open Alcoholics Anonymous meetings (meaning anyone may attend)daily at 7:00am, Noon, and 6:00pm Pacific Time, a women's meeting every Thursday at 4:30pm Pacific Time and a men's meeting every Tuesday at 4:00pm Pacific Time.
Serenity Circle World Wide Zoom was founded and is based in Temecula, California, USA. We now have attendees from all over the world, and all are welcome. Keep coming back; It WORKS!
There are lots of ways to get involved and participate in our group and your recovery!
Just showing up is the first step in getting involved, of course, but there is plenty more...
Join our discussion forum to connect with other members, share your experience, strength, and hope, and stay caught up on group business, like upcoming elections, proposals, service positions, and more!
Check out what events are coming up that you can attend and/or volunteer for.
Pick up a regular service position to get to know more people, help others, and keep your recovery triangle strong and balanced!
Come to our Business Meeting!
Our business meeting is held on the last Saturday of each month, at 1:30pm Pacific Time after the Noon meeting, in the same Zoom room as the regular meeting. If you’re interested in becoming a home group member or discussing business for Serenity Circle World Wide Zoom, please join us! All are welcome to attend, participate in discussions, and get an idea of how AA structure works, at the group level and beyond. Home Group members are strongly encouraged to do so, and vote on matters affecting our group and AA as a whole.
Service is a vital part of the "triangle" of recovery, and staying sober! The best way to stop dwelling on your own problems is to get out of yourself and be of service to other alcoholics in recovery. There are a great many service opportunities to be found at the local, regional, and world AA levels, and the best place to start is with your local group(s).
Serenity Circle always has service positions open to Home Group Members, such as Hosts/Meeting Secretaries, co-hosts, lead speakers, timers and others.
The meeting Secretary (AKA Host) is responsible for opening the Zoom meeting room and facilitating the meeting.
Their responsibilities also include:
• Finding readers, timer, and a lead speaker.
• Co-hosting back room management, security, and timer.
• Opening meeting with preamble, announcements, readers, etc, according to meeting format/script, introducing lead speaker, calling on people to share, and ending the meeting on time.
• Keeping room open for fellowship after the meeting and closing the room afterwards, or turning host over to another trained host/cohost to do so.
The meeting co-host is responsible for:
• Admitting people from the waiting room
• Assisting with unmuting and screen sharing when needed
• Pasting announcements and links in the chat.
• Answering questions in chat.
The co-host may also be responsible Back Room/Security duties if there is no one else available to do so.
We try to have additional trained members co-hosted during each meeting, especially larger meetings, to assist in dealing with bombers and other potential security issues.
Back room management/security includes:
• Watching out for and quickly removing bombers as soon as they actually do something wrong.
• Locking down the chat room at the beginning of the meeting and re-opening it for chat and phone number sharing a few minutes before the end of the meeting.
• Dealing with other inappropriate behaviour, giving warnings via private chat, as needed, and removing offenders if necessary.
• Assisting with answering questions in chat.
The timer is just what it sounds like. This volunteer keeps track of the length of each person's share, and gives them a heads up when their time is almost up.
Because the timer must be co-hosted in order to share the timer app, all timers must also receive co-host training.
Most of our meetings are started off by a lead speaker. This person will share for five to seven minutes on the topic, which will be a reading from AA literature, a topic chosen by the speaker or the secretary, or that meeting's usual topic, depending on the meeting day and time.
You do not have to have a significant amount of time to be a lead speaker. We have newcomers, old-timers, and everyone in between lead for us. If you are serious about recovery and AA has made a difference in your life, you are qualified, and we want to hear from you!
The Host Coordinator is responsible for the Secretary/Host and Co-Host schedule, and for training Secretaries/Hosts, Co-Hosts, Security, and Timers. Use this form to request training for any of those positions, to discuss host scheduling, sign up to be a lead speaker or to report any issues with a Host or Co-host.
You can NOT get attendance verification using this form.
For attendance verification, use the Attendance Verification Form.
Every year, Serenity Circle holds alcathons, which are ongoing meetings, 24/7, for the holidays. At present, they are held for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the New Year. They run from the beginning of the 6pm meeting the night before (the "eve"), through the end of the 6pm meeting on the holiday in question.
In keeping with the 7th tradition, the Serenity Circle World Wide Zoom has no dues or fees. We are self supporting through our own contributions. Donations pay for our Zoom account, business expenses, and group donations to Intergroup and World Services. You can donate to Serenity Circle via Zelle at 7th@serenitycircleaa.org, Venmo at Serenity Circle Worldwide Zoom @SCWWZ or by following the PayPal link (It's easy and you don't need an account) at https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SerenitycircleAA, or click the contribute button below.
~ Updated Venmo link coming soon! ~
**(In order to donate without signing up for a PayPal account, select the "Donate with Debit or Credit Card", button on the page which opens after clicking the Donate, button.)**
For meeting attendance verifications, fill out the form below within one hour of end of meeting.
** You must attend the entire meeting in order to receive verification. **
Please be sure to follow instructions carefully, especially regarding the meeting topic.
If you are taken to the "form sent" page after submitting the form, but don't receive a confirmation email please DO NOT submit the form multiple times! This will delay your and others' verifications from being sent. If you have not gotten any response within 24 hours of submitting, please send ONE email to verify@serenitycircleaa.org, and allow 24 hours for a reply.