
By Laws Ratified 24 Feb 2024

HI All


I have added the new By Laws Ratified at the business meeting 24 Feb 2024 to the documents section of this web page,

If you are interested, I encourage. you to review these and send any questions.  We as the steering committee and chairpersons are now obligated to act under these rules we do business by.

Please take a note on adding issues to the adding to the agenda.  The by-laws state - Any issues our members would like on the agenda will need to be sent to the Business/Steering Committee chair 7 days prior to the meeting.  We had an issue come up that was not on the agenda at the last meeting and it was a new brought up during oldl business section of the agenda that took some time.  I believe it worked out to the interest of all in the group and I will do every effort to ensure your issues are addressed.

So, Moving forward, please notify any of the committee members and they will ensure it is discussed and added to the agenda per By-Laws.

These by Laws passes by unanimous vote last weekend and if you have any questions, please forward them and we will do our best to answer appropriately.  

Thank you all for taking the time to read and understand these by laws.

In your service,


Greg P

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